lundi 25 novembre 2013

How To Bodyboard Air Rollo

Air Rollo is a cornerstone trick in bodyboarding , it consists of an air but just after being pushed by the lip , the bodyboarder has to roll over before landing.
Like a 360, there are some variations for the El Rollo : through the lip in a close out section or inside the barrel (Barrel Roll)
  1. Choose a wave with a steep section and a lip that is going to throw.
  2. Make sure that you have plenty of speed and aim at this lip ; choose a similar angle to hit it like in an air.
  3. Once you reach the lip, release your rail ( do not let it stick to the curl of the wave ) arch your head and back and look at where you are going to land.
  4. Follow the direction of the wave with your bodyboard and body to start the roll down and to be sure that you will land with the bottom of your bodyboard first !
  5. After landing, re engage you rail for the next move.
El Rollo means in Spanish"barrel" , you have to follow the natural cylindrical move of the lip with your bodyboard ; it is easier than it looks if you choose the right wave!

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