lundi 25 novembre 2013

How to Bodyboard Duck Dive

The duck dive allows you to pass under the wave without going backwards. In a single move, you need to dive at the right moment, neither too soon (you will come back up to the surface before the wave arrives) nor too late (the duck dive will be inefficient and you will be pushed backwards) about 2 m away from the crest of the wave. The duck dive can be broken down into 3 successive phases.
The board must be held by the rails (= the edge) at chest level.
1 - Push the board under the water by straightening your arms and then
2 - put your knee on the tail and hold your bottom high with the other foot stretched out to balance yourself out of the water. Push the board down as deeply as possible with your knee to
3 - lie down again on the board.
Point the nose of the board upwards in order to rise back up to the surface.
Paddle faster as soon as you are back on the surface.

more video watch:

How To Bodyboard Air Rollo

Air Rollo is a cornerstone trick in bodyboarding , it consists of an air but just after being pushed by the lip , the bodyboarder has to roll over before landing.
Like a 360, there are some variations for the El Rollo : through the lip in a close out section or inside the barrel (Barrel Roll)
  1. Choose a wave with a steep section and a lip that is going to throw.
  2. Make sure that you have plenty of speed and aim at this lip ; choose a similar angle to hit it like in an air.
  3. Once you reach the lip, release your rail ( do not let it stick to the curl of the wave ) arch your head and back and look at where you are going to land.
  4. Follow the direction of the wave with your bodyboard and body to start the roll down and to be sure that you will land with the bottom of your bodyboard first !
  5. After landing, re engage you rail for the next move.
El Rollo means in Spanish"barrel" , you have to follow the natural cylindrical move of the lip with your bodyboard ; it is easier than it looks if you choose the right wave!

How To Bodyboard reverse spin

This is exactly the same as a 360, but instead of starting your spin on the left, you start your spin on the right ; it's a bit more complex than the 360 but it can be a really nice trick if well executed
  1. Start by doing a slight turn on your left to the top of the wave.
  2. Once you reach the top of the wave, slide forward on your bodyboard , lift up your legs arch your back and turn down to the face of the wave
  3. Throw your head and shoulders to the right towards the tube and keep looking to the right until your spin is completed
  4. Once the Reverse 360 is done , re engage your rail and put back your feet in the water. 
Note : a Reverse
360 on a left hander is actually a normal 360 on a right hander and vice versa ; try to surf on both left and right to master these tricks.

Follow this simple tutorial from one of the world's greatest bodyboarding instructors. Learn how to perform the reverse spin on a body board so you can show off to your mates!

How to Bodyboard Forward Spin

Forward Spin

This maneuver can be done on the flat section of a wave, in the white foam, off the lip or even in the air (air 360) You can do a 360 while prone riding (see picture) or drop knee riding. The technique is the exactly the same wherever you intend to try a 360.

You have taken off on a nice wave, made a good bottom turn and you are right in the curl of the wave ; here are the steps to do a 360 :

1. Start by doing a slight turn on your left ( facing the wave ) , this will initiate the 360.

2. Slide forward on your bodyboard so your face will be roughly at the level of your bodyboard's nose, the idea is to have your body well centered on your bodyboard so neither the tail nor the nose will dive off

3. Lift up your legs ( you may even cross them ), arch your back and throw your head on the left ; keep looking in the direction where you want to spin , your shoulder will follow the move

4. Once the 360 is completed , re engage your rail ( same technique as the Bottom Turn ) to gain speed for the next move and put back your feet in the water. Your first 360 is done !

dimanche 24 novembre 2013

HOW to Bodyboard Backflip

This is a back somersault with the board. To do this, we must go back to the front lip with a lot of speed, and then taking off to the swing arm back and switch legs above the body. Attention to the reception that can be painful and also the fact of being at the wave. We must therefore end with a 180 ° to continue to follow the wave.

How to Bodyboard cutback

How to do a cutback
Here is one of the most fundamental but hard-core moves that you can do in any size waves. The cut back helps regulate your speed, as well as let you look stylish and powerful as you ride the wave. A good cut back can set up the rest of the wave for you, as it slows you down and let°s the wave form up in front of you to offer you a barrel or a section to hit or another steep section to do a maneuver on.
Step 1. Take off as you would on any wave gathering speed as you travel down the line. If the wave has a nice wall and does not look like the lip is going to throw out or barrel any time soon, then you know you have time to initiate the cutback.
Step 2. After gaining some speed you should drive to near the top of the wave almost to the lip, Hint -try and aim for just underneath the lip line.
Step 3. As you approach the area where you want to do you cutback you should shift your weight to the bottom corner of your inside rail and push down on the inside rail with your palm and pull the corner of your nose down the face of the wave the more pressure you apply the more spray you should throw, (be careful if you are going to fast you could easily put to much pressure and pop the board of the wave face looking like a kook, I think ever rider has done that at one point or another).
Step 4. As you aim you board down the face of the wave be careful to stop your turn when you feel you are satisfied with your placement on the wave. It is all relative to each wave and rider, for example- if you are still in a flat spot you can keep turning all the way till you hit foam behind you or if a section looks like it is appearing down the line you should stop your cutback half way and regain speed to hit the section or to get past it.
Step 5. Once you have finished your cutback shift your weight back to its normal placement where ever you feel the most comfortable and are getting he most speed and control. For advanced riders try doing a spin after your cut back if you still have time. Both a cutback to forward spin and a cutback to reverse spin look cool and help you stall for the next section while still looking flashy.

How to Bodyboard Forward air spin

How to do a forward air spinThis move is when you perform a forward spinner in the air. It is an advanced move that requires you knowing how to spin and hit the lip. These moves are real head turners so when you nail one in front of people expect them to be stoked. The first thing you need is speed -a good bottom turn on a bowly wave should give you enough speed to get off of the lip. Once you have speed, you need to find where the lip is pitching out. When you see where the lip is throwing you should turn your board so you are aiming it at the part of the lip that is just ready to pitch. You need to hit the lip as it throws out and start your forward spin by pulling your body up on your board arching your back and crossing your legs. It helps if you give a bit of a lift or even a pull of your board off the lip as you release in to the air. Once in the air use your momentum and gravity to carry your forward spin around just like you would do when trying a forward spin on any other part of the wave. As you complete the spin you should be on your way down to land, so look for a soft spot. Some times the softest spot is if you can land back on the wave face then gliding down you initiate another bottom turn. In this transition you get a good opportunity to carry your self in to your next move. Other wise if you really launched high and out in to the flats you can land really hard which means you have to hold on extra tight so you don°t lose it and wipe out. Once you have regained your rail control or come out of the white water look down the line for your next move or cut out looking like the man of the session.


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